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قديم 02-06-2008, 09:02 AM   #6
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Slushh from United Kingdom 05/02/2008 09:26:29 PM IP

I do find it amusing when an American tells others to "brush up on your grammar." Really you guys cannot even speak english properly and then you turn around and say "brush up on your grammar." Well Jack you know what, brush up on your english.

David from Canada 05/02/2008 09:30:06 PM IP

The far right is finished
They own these wars, and the next. They own the massive debt, recession, world wide mistrust of the united states. All this they managed to do in seven years and hand the next bunch some of the worst problems the united states has ever known. They are also handing over all the dictatorial power they have managed to garner under a single president, and hand it over to a woman or a black man, hopefully to be used against them. Who needs international enemies with leaders like this? At least it is clear that the far right are going back to the political wilderness where they rightly belong. The american model for democracy has shown it's flaws. Maybe three parties is not a bad idea, like in the rest of the democratic world.

EAL from USA 05/02/2008 09:35:13 PM IP

Reality Check
Representative Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress ranted during his campaign that he would shut down Guantnomao Bay. Representative Ellison recently visited the location where he was briefed on the reality of the situation. Upon his return Representative Ellison stated that he would have to rethink his previous position. The rhetoric of a pundent, political campaign or just someone who likes to hear themselves talk is a lot different than the reality of the world we live in.

to Slushh from USA 05/02/2008 09:49:47 PM IP

From Jack
Touche, my good man, touche نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

TopCat from USA 05/02/2008 09:57:58 PM IP

Barrack is young and idealistic! He is a throw back to the anti war and peace activists of the sixties! He keeps saying he is the man of change. If you listen to his ideas, they are just the same ones from the forties and the sixties! There is Nothing about him that's new except his suit!

Gary to Henry from USA 05/02/2008 09:58:26 PM IP

There is some truth to what you say
I have not been able to absorb cultural details of all the places I have been, but ten years in Europe and Five in the Middle East and five more in Asia are a pretty fair sum. The visits to Israel were short a week here and two there. And my views are thru the prism of my own cultural spectrums. I can only give you the impressions of what I saw, not of what I missed. I do take the time to inquire about serious subjects as well as beer, sports and girls. As an Archeological, Anthropologist by training I have a good eye for certain things. I run at high enough levels to soon or later hear the real truth if their is such a thing most of the time. If you take facts out of historic perspective or realistic context, let us say pre and post cold war policy they quickly lose relevance. Mr. Alabama for instance wants to shack hands with I am a dinner jacket, how history will treat this we do not know. Rose and felts hands shack with Stalin is not equal his complicity with death camps.

Slushh from United Kingdom 05/02/2008 10:03:40 PM IP

Na though, don*t go on full on ghetto with me man. Cause i'll whip your candy a$$ to the max.

To Slushh from USA 05/02/2008 10:13:37 PM IP

I think you misinterpreted my last post
I was being nice to my man in the UK. Bust if you want to whip my "candy a$$" bring it on Limey.

Slushh from United Kingdom 05/02/2008 10:14:44 PM IP

Top cat
No, he is not really that young. In fact John Kennedy was younger than him when he was president. I would like to see Ron Paul as president, however that is unlikely to happen so I suppose out of the remaining candidates I would choose him.
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