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قديم 02-22-2009, 12:17 PM   #1
الصورة الرمزية العكبري

الدولة :  الـمـســــنى
هواياتي :  Reading, Poetry, Chess
العكبري is on a distinguished road
العكبري غير متواجد حالياً
افتراضي HOME SICK

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is the first input for me into the pages of this respectful forum. What I would like to share with you is few words that I wrote during my visit to Canada back in October – November 2002. The visit was for few weeks in which I experienced a lot of conflicting feelings. One of those feeling was the dispute between the eastern and the western different civilization. However, the most overwhelming feeling was missing home and friends. So, I started during that visit to compose few verses entitled “Home Sick” to express my thoughts in that overseas trip.

To brief you guys, I’d like to let you go strait forward through the following lines which outline my experience and exposure to the artificial western culture.


No feather or wings, but still can survive to fly

Passion and longing always wings me up to the sky

Trust you! But less you see the glitter in my eye

It is over! I will no longer struggle to shatter or die

Let the ocean be frozen! I’ll never repeat the try

Where else I dwell in, it is in vain for me to glorify

Back home! Warm I in my tent, no cold or even dry

Only my tent when I miss! makes me deeply cry
Ganes Al-Akbari
November 2nd, 2002
Canada, North America

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة العكبري ; 02-22-2009 الساعة 12:19 PM سبب آخر: Revision
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