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الزنجبيل Ginger في الطب الحديث

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قديم 10-21-2005, 09:32 AM   #1
الدكتور أحمد باذيب
حال قيادي
الصورة الرمزية الدكتور أحمد باذيب

الدولة :  المكلا حضرموت اليمن
هواياتي :  الكتابة
الدكتور أحمد باذيب is on a distinguished road
الدكتور أحمد باذيب غير متواجد حالياً
افتراضي الزنجبيل Ginger في الطب الحديث

لزنجبيل والطب الحديث
يعتبر الزنجبيلginger عموما منشط لوظائف الأعضاء و مطهر مقوى.ويحتوى الزنجبيل على زيوت ومواد هرمونية وفيتامينات ومواد نشوية ويعزى لطعمه المميز وجود مادتي الجنجرول ، والزنجرون.
يعتبر الزنجبيل واحدا من أفضل الأدوية الطبيعية في العالم. وقد خضع الزنجبيل لأبحاث مستفيضة وتعود فوائده العلاجية إلى حد كبير إلى زيته الطيار الراتنجي
قامت دراسة اكلينكية على تأثير الزنجبيل على الدوخة ودوران البحر والقيء بشكل عام وذلك في مستشفى ST. Bartholomew بلندن عام 1990م ووجدوا ان الزنجبيل كان أكثر تأثيراً كمضاد للقيء من الأدوية المعروفة وقتها.
وفي الصين أجريت تجارب على المرضى الذين يعانون من الزحار ووجدوا ان 70% من المرضى الذين يعانون من الزحار قد شفوا
كما تمت 6 دراسات سريرية على الزنجبيل كمضاد للبكتيريا وللفطريات وللقرحة وكمخفف للآلام تمت وأثبتت الدراسات فاعلية الزنجبيل.
واتضح من دراسة أخرى انه ايضا يخفض معدل نسبة الكوليسترول في الدم.

نرفق لكم المراجع والنص الانجليزي لمن رغب في الرجوع اليه

size=1]Ginger and Health
By David Tols


Ginger (zingiber officinale) is a common part of the diet in many parts of the world. Recent research has foundginger to have various pharmacological properties due to a variety of active constituents, including shogaols and gingerols (responsible for the strong odor). Ginger is also one of the strongest plant antioxidants [1]. This article will provide a short summary of some of the advantages that supplementation with ginger or ginger extract may have to offer.
فوائده:Treatment of nausea – Ginger is probably most well-known for its ability to reduce nausea, and it has been superior to placebo in studies on seasickness, morning sickness, chemotherapy-induced nausea, motion sickness, pregnancy-related nausea, and others [2-5]. In the majority of these trials, the dosage used was 1 gram of ginger (either acutely or daily) and there were no adverse events. A few trials have not shown a statistically significant difference (although there has been at least one that has shown a significant difference for each of the conditions above), but there is always a trend toward improvement. Two possible mechanisms are enhanced intestinal transport and CNS activity, with studies in humans indicating that the latter is more likely [2].

Digestive stimulation – 6-shogaol, one of the active constituents in ginger, has stimulated intestinal blood flow and transport in rat and guinea pig studies [6, 7], indicating that it may effectively stimulate digestion. However, in a placebo-controlled trial ginger showed no effect on gastric emptying rate [8].

Cardiovascular health – Like other antioxidants, ginger may benefit cardiovascular health. A comprehensive study in mice found that ginger extract reduced cholesterol, inhibited LDL oxidation, and reduced the development of atherosclerosis [9]. A rat study found that ginger reduced plasma lipid levels, as well as lipid peroxidation [10]. No studies have yet been conducted on humans in this regard.

Cancer prevention – A few studies have been conducted on the effect ginger has on carcinogenesis. In vitro, ginger has selective anticancer activity [11]. A study in mice found that orally administered ginger significantly reduced the occurence of mammary tumors without adverse events as measured by body weight, food intake, and blood tests [12]. Ginger also improves immunologic function in mice that already have tumors [13].

Arthritis treatment – High doses of ginger may have anti-inflammatory [14] and analgesic [15] effects. One trial in patients with osteoarthritis found that ginger extract caused a modest reduction in knee pain [16].

Anxiety reduction – Animal models indicate that ginger may reduce anxiety through an unknown mechanism [17, 18]. The combination of ginkgo and ginger also facilitated learning in rats [17], but it is more than likely that this was due to the ginkgo.

Protection from pathogens – A comparison of 36 plant extracts found that ginger was among the strongest in inhibiting the growth of human pathogenic fungi, including strains that were resistant to traditional treatments [19]. Ginger has also shown activity against some respiratory tract pathogens [20]. The implication this has on humans in normal doses is not yet known.

Safety and use
Ginger has not been associated with any significant adverse events in trials. In some cases, gastrointestinal upset is reported. Doses as high as 1 g/kg have been used in rats with no signs of toxicity or teratogenicity [21]. .5-1 g per day is suggested for general health, 1 gram per day to prevent nausea, and 1 gram prior to travel for prevention of motion sickness.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this article, please email [email protected].
1. Halvorsen BL, Holte K, Myhrstad MC, Barikmo I, Hvattum E, Remberg SF, Wold AB, Haffner K, Baugerod H, Andersen LF, Moskaug O, Jacobs DR Jr, Blomhoff R. A systematic screening of total antioxidants in dietary plants. J Nutr. 2002 Mar;132(3):461-71 [pubmed]

2. Ernst E, Pittler MH. Efficacy of ginger for nausea and vomiting: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Br J Anaesth. 2000 Mar;84(3):367-71 [pubmed]

3. Keating A, Chez RA. Ginger syrup as an antiemetic in early pregnancy. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):89-91. [abstract] [pubmed]

4. Lien HC, Sun WM, Chen YH, Kim H, Hasler W, Owyang C. Effects of ginger on motion sickness and gastric slow-wave dysrhythmias induced by circular vection. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2003 Mar;284(3):G481-9 [pubmed]

5. Pongrojpaw D, Chiamchanya C. The efficacy of ginger in prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting after outpatient gynecological laparoscopy. J Med Assoc Thai. 2003 Mar;86(3):244-50 [abstract] [pubmed]

6. Hashimoto K, Satoh K, Murata P, Makino B, Sakakibara I, Kase Y, Ishige A, Higuchi M, Sasaki H. Component of Zingiber officinale that improves the enhancement of small intestinal transport. Planta Med. 2002 Oct;68(10):936-9 [pubmed]

7. Murata P, Kase Y, Ishige A, Sasaki H, Kurosawa S, Nakamura T. The herbal medicine Dai-kenchu-to and one of its active components [6]-shogaol increase intestinal blood flow in rats. Life Sci. 2002 Mar 15;70(17):2061-70 [abstract] [pubmed]

8. Phillips S, Hutchinson S, Ruggier R. Zingiber officinale does not affect gastric emptying rate. A randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Anaesthesia. 1993 May;48(5):393-5 [abstract] [pubmed]

9. Fuhrman B, Rosenblat M, Hayek T, Coleman R, Aviram M. Ginger extract consumption reduces plasma cholesterol, inhibits LDL oxidation and attenuates development of atherosclerosis in atherosclerotic, apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. J Nutr. 2000 May;130(5):1124-31 [pubmed]

10. Liu N, Huo G, Zhang L, Zhang X. [Effect of Zingiber OfficinaleRosc on lipid peroxidation in hyperlipidemia rats] Wei Sheng Yan Jiu. 2003 Jan;32(1):22-3 [abstract] [pubmed]

11. Leal PF, Braga ME, Sato DN, Carvalho JE, Marques MO, Meireles MA. Functional properties of spice extracts obtained via supercritical fluid extraction. J Agric Food Chem. 2003 Apr 23;51(9):2520-5 [pubmed]

12. Nagasawa H, Watanabe K, Inatomi H. Effects of bitter melon (Momordica charantia l.) or ginger rhizome (Zingiber offifinale rosc) on spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis in SHN mice. Am J Chin Med. 2002;30(2-3):195-205 [abstract] [pubmed]

13. Liu H, Zhu Y. [Effect of alcohol extract of Zingben officinale rose on immunologic function of mice with tumor] Wei Sheng Yan Jiu. 2002 Jun;31(3):208-9 [abstract] [pubmed]

14. Thomson M, Al-Qattan KK, Al-Sawan SM, Alnaqeeb MA, Khan I, Ali M. The use of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) as a potential anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic agent. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2002 Dec;67(6):475-8 [pubmed]

15. Onogi T, Minami M, Kuraishi Y, Satoh M. Capsaicin-like effect of (6)-shogaol on substance P-containing primary afferents of rats: a possible mechanism of its analgesic action. Neuropharmacology. 1992 Nov;31(11):1165-9 [abstract] [pubmed]

16. Altman RD, Marcussen KC. Effects of a ginger extract on knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Nov;44(11):2531-8 [abstract] [pubmed]

17. Topic B, Hasenohrl RU, Hacker R, Huston JP. Enhanced conditioned inhibitory avoidance by a combined extract of Zingiber officinale and Ginkgo biloba. Phytother Res. 2002 Jun;16(4):312-5 [pubmed]

18. Vishwakarma SL, Pal SC, Kasture VS, Kasture SB. Anxiolytic and antiemetic activity of Zingiber officinale. Phytother Res. 2002 Nov;16(7):621-6 [pubmed]

19. Ficker CE, Arnason JT, Vindas PS, Alvarez LP, Akpagana K, Gbeassor M, De Souza C, Smith ML. Inhibition of human pathogenic fungi by ethnobotanically selected plant extracts. Mycoses. 2003 Feb;46(1-2):29-37 [pubmed]

20. Akoachere JF, Ndip RN, Chenwi EB, Ndip LM, Njock TE, Anong DN. Antibacterial effect of Zingiber officinale and Garcinia kola on respiratory tract pathogens. East Afr Med J. 2002 Nov;79(11):588-92 [abstract] [pubmed]

21. Weidner MS, Sigwart K. Investigation of the teratogenic potential of a zingiber officinale extract in the rat. Reprod Toxicol. 2001 Jan-Feb;15(1):75-80 [pubmed]

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