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Recent memories of correspondence and stamp collecting

The English Forum

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قديم 01-25-2012, 08:42 PM   #1
أبو صلاح
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الصورة الرمزية أبو صلاح

افتراضي Recent memories of correspondence and stamp collecting

Recent memories of correspondence and stamp collecting

Recent memories: sometimes crossed my mind that I might find one of my friends ex-me in the advanced stage of my life when I lived years of study preparatory and secondary schools and the university in one way or another through this modern means of communication between people Kalves Bock, while the correspondence through the mailbox only way in that last period 0 and perhaps this is a dream I've, however, dreams are different from illusions to have the force of the presence of the index, God Almighty for convergence God willing 0 for the first time I will allow myself to talk about these memories in the correspondence and a number of hobbies that you play it a private collection of postage stamps and writing radio programs which affected part of the composition of my personality, cultural, and so I participated in and started at an early age in a number of local newspapers and magazines and Arab Raseltha of years ago and friends and friends I still retain their images and copies of their letters; then I will mention their names from the Arab brothers in the Arab and foreign countries and their addresses and pictures if you can (without women), and certainly those in my age now or asymptotic him and ask God for them time being and long life in obedience to God, but I do not know who they are alive or passed away May God have mercy of Hola friends in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and other countries, and God bless
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