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العودة   سقيفة الشبامي > شؤون عامه > The English Forum
The English Forum كل ماتكتبه باللغه الإنجليزيه ، Everything you write in English

Do you know؟0

The English Forum

إضافة رد
قديم 01-20-2014, 11:07 AM   #1
مبارك بوشندل
شاعر السقيفة
الصورة الرمزية مبارك بوشندل

افتراضي Do you know؟0

From Wikipedia's new and recently improved content:

... that the Indian submarine museum Kursura (pictured) is the first of its kind in South Asia and is visited by about 250,000 people each year?
... that one of the Hillsboro Fire Department's earliest pieces of equipment was previously used in Sacramento, California, Portland, Oregon, and Albany, Oregon?
... that the Lavaggi LS1 was the first Le Mans Prototype race car to be designed and built in Monte Carlo?
... that "Rakkamma Kaiya Thattu", composed by Ilaiyaraaja, was named the fourth most popular song of all time in a 2002 online poll conducted by ‏BBC World Service?
... that Denny Crum retired at the end of the 2000–01 season with the Louisville Cardinals men's basketball team with 675 wins, the most of any head coach for Louisville?
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-18-2018, 05:32 AM   #2
M7md Maarek
حال جديد


تابع منشوراتي لمعرفة كيف تربح المال من الانترنت
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