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تحميل المجموعة الكاملة لكل فلاتر نيو بلور العملاقة NewBlue TotalFX 3.0

سقيفة البرامج وصيانة الحاسب

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قديم 06-02-2016, 04:19 AM   #1
حال قيادي

افتراضي تحميل المجموعة الكاملة لكل فلاتر نيو بلور العملاقة NewBlue TotalFX 3.0

NewBlue TotalFX 3.0 build 160320

نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

NewBlue TotalFX 3 - the most comprehensive collection of titling, transitions and video effects available, and delivers over 1400 presets in 129 plugins in most comprehensive collection of titling, transitions and video effects. Includes the fully-featured Ultimate versions of Elements, Essentials, Filters, Stylizers, Transitions and Titling lines. TotalFX delivers it all for the serious video editor.

Choose from our top of the line effects collections. TotalFX includes effects packages with more than 90 effects plugins in all, including:
- Elements 3 Ultimate: More than 250 presets in 21 video effects that simplify multi-step compositing tasks.
- Essentials 3 Ultimate: Over 275 presets in 24 workflow-enhancing video effects that stabilize, correct and sharpen.
- Filters 3 Ultimate: More than 250 presets in 22 video effects to instantly enhance video through an array of distinctive looks.
- Stylizers 3 Ultimate: Over 250 presets in 23 imaginative video plugins that provide a range of light, paint and art effects.

Select from 37 transitions for the right look every time. TotalFX includes Transitions 3 Ultimate, a comprehensive set of 400 presets in 37 plugins that provide cutting edge video transitions of 3D, light, color, and motion.

- Whether you want to display a product or add emphasis to an object, you'll find wide variety of 3D transitions to join your shots.
- Discover different artistic transitions that match your video's design direction.
- Add a dose of momentum to otherwise plain transitions with bold, energized motion transitions.

Create opening credits, lower 3rds and more with Titler Pro. Titler Pro 3 Ultimate delivers polished 2D & 3D text and graphics natively in your NLE. This breakthrough plugin offers After Effects support plus dozens of styles, templates and animations.
- Create beautiful 4K & 5K titles fast with 80+ built-in styles and templates. Quickly bring them to life with drag-and-drop animations.
- Dial in the right look with a range of powerful controls. Easily customize color, shape, angle, lighting and more .
- Using Quick Edit, make your edits and every title in your project updates with no effort.
- Enjoy full AE environment immersion for even more flexibility through intelligent obscuration with AE layers, camera depth of field, and lighting integration.

OS - Windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10)

نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة








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