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قديم 11-03-2006, 01:06 AM   #1
الدكتور أحمد باذيب
حال قيادي
الصورة الرمزية الدكتور أحمد باذيب

الدولة :  المكلا حضرموت اليمن
هواياتي :  الكتابة
الدكتور أحمد باذيب is on a distinguished road
الدكتور أحمد باذيب غير متواجد حالياً
افتراضي Shihirالشحر


نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
This town, 62km east of Mukalla, was known by other names such as Sam’oun and Souq.

It is more likely that the name of Souq was associated with Shihir since it was one of the famous Pre-Islamic Arab markets such as Awkadh, Sana’a and Doumat Al Jandal, in your it used to be called Shihir Al-Mahrah. Shiher flourished as a port immediately after the decline of Qana ancient port. Incense was exported from this port, coming on camelback from the far east of Maharah to Shibam and then to Shiher. Shiher port used to have extensive trading relations with the ports of India, Arabian Gulf, East Africa, etc. I t became more important during the Abbaside period until it was invaded by the Portuguese in 1523 who were expelled by force
.City Wall and Castles
The city wall and castles date back to the Rasulide Dynasty, while the last wall was built during the period of the Qu’aiti Sultante the wall at one time had two gates the eastern one was called Al-Khgour gate, while the northern one was called Aydarous Gate. The wall forts, castles, gates, and Bin Ayash fort are considered the most interesting features of Shihir city.

Shahir is also an important handicraft center producing kilts, silver and gold ornaments.

Hot and Sulfurous Springs
A long the coast of Shihir there are a number of hot sulfuric springs frequented by people seeking cures for different diseases such as skin diseases, rheumatism, digestive and internal ailments, diabetes and obesity, Among these springs are:

Tawbalah Springs: these are the heaviest and greatest in number, 10km, away from Shihir.

Hami: about 17 km from Shihir.

Swayber: This is about 47km from Shihir and it is regarded as the most Important spring with cold sulfuric water.

Eastern Dees: This is about 50km from Shihir and is nearer to Swayber.

Sharma Beach: This is about 120km to the east of Mukalla, which is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Yemen. Turtles nest in this beach during their season of procreation.
التوقيع :
نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة الدكتور أحمد باذيب ; 11-03-2006 الساعة 01:39 AM
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-23-2007, 04:32 PM   #2
حال نشيط


Thank you ....
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